
Consumption Trends

Mangos are the most consumed fruit in the world, but an awareness gap causes U.S. consumption to lag world consumption. Mangos are the 15th most consumed fruit in the U.S., where per capita mango consumption is one-half of pineapple consumption. The National Mango Promotion Board expects to triple per capita mango consumption to match U.S. peach consumption levels.

Promotional Assistance

Splendid offers merchandising materials for retail promotions. These are designed to increase awareness of mango varieties, attributes, and selection/ripening techniques. Existing point-of-sale materials (POS) are pictured.Ê If you require POS materials with a different format, contact

Click a card or flyer to get the full size version.

Green keitt Flyer
keitt Shelf Talker
Nutrition and Preparation Card
Mango Pie Recipe Card