Grapefruit Merchandising


The basics: Grapefruit works well in bulk displays because it can be piled fairly high without damage to the fruit. When this is done, take care that displays are not too high and subject to collapse during consumer examination.

Grapefruit graphic bins are an excellent way to display bagged or bulk fruit. When promoting bagged and bulk fruit, use multiple pricing to encourage consumers to stock up. Offer a choice – not only of sizes, but of bagged and bulk packaging and red and white varieties. Be sure to mark seedless varieties.

Display few grapefruit cut in half to attract consumers to the unusual reddish interior color. Grapefruit often is used as a base for fruit baskets because it ships well.


Encourage customers with cross merchandising to serve grapefruit with a variety of toppings such as brown sugar, thinly sliced pepper rings, thin apple slices and strawberries. Also cross-merchandise with avocados for a tangy zing to avocado salads. Encourage consumers to add grapefruit to chicken salads.


When white- and red-fleshed varieties are offered, be sure signs point out the differences. Encourage consumers to peel or cut and section the fruit for breakfast. Demonstrations are helpful in showing the difference between golden and ruby varieties.

Conduct regular sampling program to increase grapefruit sales. Encourage consumers to use grapefruit slices instead of lemon in iced tea or water.