Limes Merchandising


The basics: Limes, like lemons, are hardy enough to permit mass displays in bulk, film bags, tubes or over wrapped trays. Offer limes of similar size. That helps prevent fruit from being picked over. Selling in multiples is the key. Limes move faster when offered at "4 for."

Limes can be positioned with citrus or next to avocados and tomatoes, along with guacamole mixes. Displaying limes with lemons, avocados, tomatoes or green peppers helps show them off.

Display limes in the liquor/beverage department, where they are viewed in a buying area that traditionally rings up large sales. Use of limes in drinks is well known, but to stimulate sales, post signs suggesting other uses, such as lime pie.

Cross-Merchandise limes with fish in the seafood department. Advise consumers to sprinkle limes with a few drops of water and store in a plastic bag in the refrigerator to prolong shelf life.