Ginger Root

Ginger root is available year-round from Fiji, Costa Rica, Taiwan, the Philippines, Hawaii, Indonesia and Brazil, peaking March-September. The knobby, fibrous root has light brown skin. Look for product with smooth skin that has a light sheen and white flesh. Select ginger root with the least number of knots and/or branching. Keep in cool, dry storage until display time and always maintain a dry product. Advise consumers they can refrigerate plastic-wrapped product up to one week. For longer storage, peel ginger root and cover with sherry wine before refrigeration; or use paper towels inside a plastic bag to absorb moisture, changing the towels when damp. Ginger root is a seasoning tuber and flavors sweets. Try it with cakes, breads, ice cream and beverages. It also is good in sauces, stir-frys, condiments, marinades, glazes, drinks and fruit dishes.