Mango Varieties



Medium sized, yellow in color with red-orange blush. Moderate fiber, mild in flavor. One of the earliest varieties available each year.



A large fruit with purplish-pink blush on a yellow-green background. Juicy and low fiber. Rich flavor and small seed earn its reputation as one of the finest late varieties.



A larger fruit, green-yellow in color with a red blush. Fiberless, juicy, with a sweet rich flavor. A popular mid-season variety.

Tommy Atkins

Tommy Atkins

A colorful fruit often turning dark red. Firm flesh and small seed. Usually ready as Hadens finish. "Tommy" has good storage quality. High in fiber.

Honey Manila

Honey Manila

Splendid Products is proud to offer this excellent variety of mangoes, Honey Manila (Ataulfo) direct descendant of the Manila Mango variety, originated from a Hawaiian seedling, this variety is common in Veracruz, Mexico but it cultivates for exports to the US in the southern Mexican state of Tapachula.

A small, flat, oblong mango with a thin skin. The fruit average 6 to 12 ounces, greenish yellow to deep golden when ripe; Honey Manila Mangoes are generally sweeter than other varieties and with little or no fiber.